Pendulum - A Tool Of Spiritual Healing

Pendulum - A Tool Of Spiritual Healing

A pendulum is a balanced, symmetrical object that has a weight attached at one end and is hung from a chain or a string. It is often used as a means for spiritual healing and connecting to one’s higher self. The pendulum serves as a collector and transmitter of knowledge or signs from the divine, and does so by picking on different vibrations. It communicates with us by swinging in the direction of unseen energy around us. This spiritual healing method, called dowsing, has its roots that go down to centuries. In earlier times people often used a mere pendulum to discover the springs of water and mineral reserves buried under the soil. The pendulum marks as a wonderful tool when it comes to spiritual growth and building a connection with the mystical world.

 How The Pendulum Works: While this may shock you, the truth is, you are the one who is actually moving the pendulum.  Your subconscious mind or your higher spirit is generating the positive strength that in turn regulates the movement of the pendulum. The frequencies produced by your subconscious mind, that remain hidden from the conscious world, are magnified by the pendulum. This is a sign that your higher self(your subconscious) is capable of propping the supreme energy of the universe while your conscious self is constrained to physical senses only. That is why the divine and its mystical power that resides in your inner mind remains hidden.


Choosing A Pendulum: When it comes to choosing the right pendulum for yourself, the best way to select is by going with what feels right. You can even try holding the pendulum in your palm and shutting your eyes - If you observe a difference in the temperature or sense a vibration while holding the pendulum in your palm, then you have found just the right pendulum for yourself.


Communicating With The Pendulum: Once you’ve picked out your pendulum, start by clearing your mind and letting go of any false beliefs or doubts that you may have. Hold the string/ chain between your thumb and your forefinger in whichever hand feels comfortable, run your other hand down the length of the chain or the cord, and stop right at the bottom end of the pendulum with your palm upturned. Make sure that the pendulum is completely motionless by now and gently move your hand away. As you remove your hand, the pendulum might start moving again, which is perfectly alright.


Once this is done, sit in a relaxed position and watch the pendulum swing. Remember, the more relaxed your body is, the better the energy flows. Once the pendulum is still, begin by asking the pendulum to show you a sign for ‘yes’ and ‘no’. You might see a rather slight movement initially, but be patient and just observe as it may take some time for you to build a strong connection with the pendulum.

Questions To Ask The Pendulum

Pendulum is an excellent source when it comes to seeking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answers. If you’re just starting out, its best to stick with direct simple questions like “Is Today A Monday?” as these help build a relationship with your pendulum and give you an idea of how your pendulum answers. Eventually, as you get skilled, you can ask questions about important decisions to make in your personal life.


Benefits Of Using Pendulum: Pendulum encourages healing and connects the physical body to the higher energies while communicating with you through yes or no questions. It assists you to perceive the truth,  guides you in the right direction, brings in awareness, and enlightens you. The pendulum works on your chakras to balance your mind, body, and spirit and puts them to ease. By clearing your mind, you cleanse the entire system, and eventually, things in your life start looking crystal clear. Once you move to a state of perfect balance, you instinctively induce yourself with confidence, start taking decisions assertively, and draw physical as well as emotional wellbeing in your life.


Pendulum And Chakra Healing: Pendulum encourages spiritual healing as it works directly on energies, locates any blocked energy, and spiritually connects to the higher self. Thus, pendulum can help reduce any kind of pain whether it is emotional or physical.


Start by holding the pendulum a few inches above the crown chakra and slowly move to the next six chakras and observe how the pendulum reveals the imbalance and blocked energies in the chakras.


A large open motion is an indication of sufficient energy. A small closed swing points out that the energy flow is limited. Ideally, each swing over the chakras should be wide and of approximately the same size throughout. The energy flow might be different amid the various chakras - front and back.


Determine imbalances or blockages with references to the motion below -


  • Clockwise Motion  - Energy is flowing freely and the chakra is balanced.
  • Counterclockwise Motion - Energy is limited, out of balance or blocked chakra.
  • Straight line, regardless of the direction - Energy is imbalance, indicating partial blockage in the chakra.
  • Elliptical Motion - There is a flow of energy, but the chakra is out of balance on one or both sides.
  • No movement- No energy is flowing through, indicating a blocked chakra.

Working with a pendulum can help you progress in your spiritual journey as well as provide direction in your physical world. So dive into the power of the pendulum, connect with the divine or your higher power, and set foot in the right direction.

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